Canton Dixie Lofts Antiques in Brownsville, Texas For Sale
Price: $1
Type: Art & Antiques,
For Sale
- Private.
We sell all types of furniture.... let me know if there's a particular item you're looking for.... Lots more in Canton!
1) Chest of Drawers
- antique, late xxxx's
- handmade, with dovetail joining
- hand planed drawers
- Birds Eye Maple drawers (not veneer)
$1,200 + shipping
2) Pie Safe
- Early xxxx's from Sears & Roebuck Catalog
- Original punch tin panels in front & sides
$1,150 + shipping
3) Flip-Top Table
- Beautiful burlwood
- solid wood slides to center of base
$995 + shipping
4) Child's Picnic Table
- Sturdy Rustic Design
$225 + shipping